Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bird-brained Advice for Writing: Part IV - Finding the "Write" Reason

            In the olden days—those days before the internet and e-readers—publication was the holy grail of writers. With today’s revolutionary changes in the publishing industry, the good news is that with a little self-discipline any writer can achieve that goal. The bad news? For the majority of writers, even if we self- or e-publish, we’ll be lucky to get anyone beyond a few loyal friends and family members to read our work. And yet we persevere.
            Why do we do this? Why—in the face of frustration, failure, futility—do we slave away on our articles, manuscripts ... blogs and pray that a few folks will read what we have to say? The “bird-brains” offer some insight on this seemingly masochistic endeavor.
            In bird by bird ... Anne Lamott shares information about the ultimate reason writers do what they do. Early in her writing journey, she received scathing criticism from an editor and experienced the mortification with which many of us are familiar. But rather than ditch her story, she took his advice and “with great trepidation” sat down to revise. As she wrote, she had an epiphany: the realization that this time “I wasn’t writing the book with my thumb stuck out, trying to hitchhike into history; I just wanted to write a book for my father that might also help someone going through a similar situation.” She also discovered “There is no cosmic importance to your getting something published, but there is in learning to be a giver.”
            In Gooney Bird is Absurd, author Lois Lowry poignantly demonstrates the same message. Throughout the school year, Gooney Bird and her teacher Mrs. Pigeon work tirelessly to share the techniques and joys of storytelling with Gooney’s classmates. Through various programs and activities, the second-graders learn to appreciate the satisfaction and fun that can come from creating their own stories and poems. But not until the class experiences the death of someone dear to them do they learn the true worth of their writing. When they compose "A Goodbye Poem,” they are able to express their sympathy to the family of the departed and alleviate their own sense of loss.
            The common thread of these two stories is that they both get to the root of why we write. We write out of the desire to give and to connect. Whether we write fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or a letter to the editor, we write to share our thoughts, observances, successes, and even our failures. We hope that in baring our souls, we can somehow shed a sliver of light on others experiences. We might not be able to solve readers’ problems. But we can offer encouragement and let them know they’re not alone. For confirmation of this, check out Jennifer Cazzola's comments here.
            You might be questioning whether your writing motives are this pure. I mean, what writer among us has never dreamed of making the bestseller list, winning the Pulitzer, or landing a movie deal? Who doesn’t send out each manuscript with the secret expectation that this is the next Harry Potter phenomenon? Who doesn't blog with visions of becoming the next Pioneer Woman or the online answer to Erma Bombeck? But if you're doubting the altruistic reasons behind your writing, ask yourself this: If I had no chance of ever being published, of ever making a dime, of ever having an audience of more than one, would I still write? If your answer is “yes,” then I think you’ve found the “write” reason.            

In this my final post of "bird-brained" writing advice,
I want to introduce you to Brianna. She is my great-niece and
 the instigator behind my introduction to the Gooney Bird series.
Much like the protagonist of this series, Brianna loves stories
and imaginative outfits. And clothing that matches
too closely gives her a feeling of "ennui."



  1. We write out of the desire to give and to connect.

    Thanks for reminding me of this. Most of the time I think of myself writing the books that I want to read and can't find, but the connection part really makes it all worthwhile.

    Love Brianna and her ennui!

    1. Filling a reading void is also an excellent "write" reason. How else can we get something that meets all our expectations? We have "bespoke" clothing, why not bespoke writing? :-)

  2. I wish I could answer "yes" to the last question, but I can't. Which is why I probably have those days where I wonder if anybody's reading what I blog, if it matters, if it would be missed, if I am wasting my time. And just when I feel the answer is NO to each of those questions except the last one, somebody says something kind and lets me know a particular post mattered to them. So while I can't say I'm OK with an audience of one, apparently two is motivation enough!

    1. I've had those exact thoughts, Shel, and that same experience of one person mentioning my blog or a post and giving me that extra boost to keep me going. Apparently, writers aren't a stingy lot. We can get along with just a little motivation!

  3. Just read this, Dee Dee (am going through my writing email which is once again months behind...) Absolutely loved it. Didn't know the Lowry story you referenced, but I was a fan of her work while teaching middle school. I had some wonderful experiences as a result of her book The Giver...anyway, I found a lot in this that resonates with me. :-)

  4. loads of motivation and guiding tips here. The light humour is very enjoyable, i can continue reading the blog n not get bored at all

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Your comments brought me back to this post written a while ago, and I re-read it. It was a reminder to myself of why I write.

  5. Yeah i can understand the struggle and pain writers used to go through when there was no electronic media for sharing writings and books.

    1. I don’t know if I would’ve persevered in the “olden” days of publishing. So glad to live in a time where we have options.

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