try really hard to resist induction into the-older-I-get-the-better-I-was club.
But on a recent morning bike ride through the UCO campus (yes, Bill and I were
the old fa...olks, swerving to avoid students and cars), I came alarmingly
close to qualifying for membership.
braced myself for the latest campus fashion trend—Daisy Dukes paired with black
pantyhose and Doc Martens. According to friend and author Sonia Gensler, this
is a hot new look at Oxford. But I spotted no such outfit on the UCO coeds. Either
wriggling into pantyhose takes too much time and effort before an early morning
class, or this uber style has not yet
made it across the pond. Give it a couple of years.
I was prepared for what I thought students would be wearing, I wasn’t prepared
for what they were carrying. Or, rather, weren’t
carrying. Riding through the campus, I noticed the same thing over and over: students
hurrying to class, carrying nothing more cumbersome than a purse or a wallet or
a can of Red Bull. No books, no laptops, not even an iPad that I could see. I counted
exactly three scholars whom I considered properly prepared for class: an Asian girl
toting a book bag, a woman who appeared to be in her mid-thirties pulling a
wheelie (pretty sure she wasn’t a professor), and—bless his heart—one rather
nerdy-looking young man gripping a briefcase.
we returned home and were pouring milk over our Raisin Bran, I asked Bill, “Did
you notice anything strange about those students this morning?”
a card-carrying member of the aforementioned club, he gave the exact response I
was expecting: “Everything about them
is strange.”
than risk an I-don’t-know-what-this-world-is-coming-to lecture, I dropped the
subject. But my mind was still churning, and here’s what I determined. A lot
has changed on college campuses since the days I roamed them. Where my
generation lugged twenty-pound tomes and bulging notebooks to class, today’s
students have downloaded all their information on computers. Having read all
assignments prior to class and having stored that vital information in their
brains, they head to class burden-free, ready for stimulating and
thought-provoking dialogue with their professors. OR tucked into their purses
or pockets are teeny, tiny computers on which to take notes for further review.
OR the class is being pod-cast and they can catch it again in the evening.
assure me that these scenarios are feasible. I try not to dwell on the
negative, but occasionally I worry about the future of our youth. And about the
future of my Social Security check.